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Item Type: Pressure Switch
Part No.: 421-43-22912, 4214322912
Application: WA270-5 S/N 70001-UP
WA270-5-SN S/N 70001-UP
WA320-5 S/N 60001-UP
WA380-5 S/N 60001-UP
WA380-5 S/N 60001-UP
WA380-5 S/N H50051 - Up
WA380-5L S/N A52001-UP
WA380-5-SN S/N 60001-UP
WA380-5-TN S/N 60001-UP
WA380-6 S/N 65001-65948
WA380-6 S/N 65001-65948
WA380-6 S/N 65001-65948
WA380-6 S/N 65949-UP
WA380-6 S/N 65949-UP
WA380-6 S/N 65949-UP
WA380-6 S/N A53001-UP
WA380-6 S/N A54001-UP
WA380-6 S/N H60051 - Up
WA380Z-6 S/N 66847-UP
WA380Z-6 S/N DZAA0001-up
WA400-5 S/N 70001-UP
WA400-5L S/N A40001-UP
WA430-5 S/N 60001-UP
WA430-6 S/N 65001-65500
WA430-6 S/N 65001-65500
WA430-6 S/N 65001-65500
WA430-6 S/N 65501-UP
WA430-6 S/N 65501-UP
WA430-6 S/N 65501-UP
WA430-6 S/N A41001-UP
WA430-6 S/N A42001-UP
WA430-6 S/N H60051 - H60265
WA430-6E0 S/N H60266 - Up
WA450-5L S/N A36001-UP
WA450-6 S/N 66001-UP
WA450-6-W1 S/N A44001-UP